Pale Grey Sky

And even as I watched

The grey sky turned to blue;

And from the shell of sky

Came a sight so sweet - light of day.

Why could this have not been

A moment or year ago?

Why now?

When everything faded, jaded and paled

Has disappeared into nothingness?

And even as I watched

The Mist fought with the Sun

For control, for supremacy,

First one, then the other, gains control

But for a moment.

Then with a swoop of finality,

The mist wrests control.

And as if to say “I didn’t have a chance anyway”,

The Sun disappears.

As I wander in the mist all alone I wonder -

Am I the last one left alive?

Am I the only one to survive?

But when I look up to the sky I see

Its just begun.

There’s a long, long way to go.

Where is the end?

No one knows...

satyajit venkatraman

September 24, 1998


Revathi said...

Wow, it is that attitude of faith and will to stand in the mist that will take us to the warmth of sun and mark the occasion with more pride....I think.

btw, I ma janu's friend

SV said...

hey revathi (i feel i know all of j's friends 'coz she talks about you all so much!),

actually, that piece was written in desperation during my seemingly never-ending CA days...your interpretation wonderfully refreshing compared to my original state of mind